Last 5 performances

  • Martin GATES 6007

    Meet Martin

    Redhill Place of Birth
    5′ 10″ (178cm) Height
    Fishing, snooker, skiing, gardening Interests
    1989, 90*, 00 Qualifying School

    The son of an international financier, Martin learned his golf at Royal Jersey, where he lived only a five-minute walk away from the course, and the University of Oklahoma. After first picking up a club at the age of 12 on the Channel Isle, Martin secured a place at University in the States, where he earned a degree in marketing over five years. During that time, he featured in the University team alongside players such as Greg Turner, Andrew Magee, Grant Waite and Todd Hamilton. Turning professional in 1988, with ten State Opens under his belt, Martin earned his Tour Card in Canada and also played on the Australasian and Asian Tours in 1989 and 1990, Australia again in 1991 and 1992, dividing his year between there and Europe.