Last 5 performances

  • Dudley HART 2606

    Meet Dudley

    Rochester, NY Place of Birth
    5′ 10″ (178cm) Height
    Hockey, football, basketball, baseball Interests
    Calusa Pines GC Attachment

    Has the logos of hockey side Florida Panthers and baseball team Florida Marlins on his golf bag. Attended Panthers games to ease frustration as he recovered from bad wrist injury in 1995. Won Subaru Sarazen World Open at Chateau Elan in 1998 the day before setting out on belated honeymoon. "Suzanne and I got married at the end of July", he explained. "She wanted a summer wedding, but didn't mind waiting until the end of the season for the honeymoon". Left Chateau Elan $360,000 richer, helped by record-equalling third round 62.