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Wonderful support for charity at Made in Denmark

Wonderful support for charity at Made in Denmark

It was not only on the course that the Made in Denmark was another roaring success, as fundraising activities throughout the week raised €50,000 for charity partner KidsAid.

The players in the

The week was kicked off with theBest Friends Charity Challengeon Wednesday, which involved Danes Thomas Bjørn, Søren Kjeldsen, Andreas Hartø and Thobjørn Olesen and Swedes Joel Sjöholm and Robert Karlsson entertaining the crowds on the tenth hole.

That raised DK75,000 (about €10,000), and the following day a further DK100,000 (€13,000) was made at the Pro-Am prize-giving ceremony.

Once the tournament proper was under way, nine Danish players took part in a birdie pledge, offering to donate DK1,000 for every birdie they made throughout the tournament and DK 3,000 for every eagle.

A total of DK116,000 (€15,000) was racked up from the generosity of those players – the four aforementioned Danes plus Lucas Bjerregaard, Anders Hansen, Soren Hansen, Lasse Jensen and Morten Madsen.

German player Alex Knappe, who was given a sponsor's invitation to the tournament, kindly committed to giving 30 percent of his prize money, adding another €853 to the pot, and at the end of the event, the Tour Players Foundation, the charitable arm of The European Tour, showed its support of the generosity of the players and tournament by topping up the total to an impressive €50,000.

KidsAid is a Danish charity which aims to help children who have to spend long spells in hospital. Since 2000, it has supported children’s wards in hospitals all over the country, helping to lessen the trauma of medical treatment with positivity and fun.

KidsAid also organises events throughout the year such as concerts, theatre visits and sporting events, inviting sick children to take their minds off the challenges they face with their health.

European Charity Executive David Park said: "It's wonderful to see such generosity across the week from the tournament and players alike. It's been an amazing tournament and it's fantastic to know that it has also helped many children across Denmark, leaving a lasting legacy."

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