Even more web site features available during the event!
From Oct 14, day one of the Cisco World Match Play Championship, this site will have many new features:
Daily draws and tee-times
will help you keep track of who is playing and when, with the official results page making sure you have up to date and accurate match results for each day.
LIVE scoring
, will also be available on this site. You can even check out the individual scorecard of each player as they complete their round.
If you are on the road and don't have access to the web site but do have a
mobile phone
, why not sign up for the scores-by-text service, which will send text messages to your mobile phone so you can see how your favourite player is performing.
Editorial reports
appear throughout the tournament with reactions and interviews with the players so please bookmark this site and come back to check out these features.
"Its the next best thing to being there!"