Detailed forecast for: Saturday 1 May 1999
Temperatures:Maximum: 23C Minimum: 9C
Weather: Early mist thinning during the morning, with long sunny spells and only scattered cloud. Some broken cloud developing later in the afternoon with a 10% risk of a thundery shower developing by late afternoon.
Wind: Southwesterly 5 mph, gradually backing southerly 5-10 mph during the afternoon.
Detailed forecast for: Sunday 2 May 1999
Temperatures: Maximum: 23C Minimum: 11C
Weather: Early mist thinning during the morning. Only scattered cloud during the morning with sunny spells. More broken cloud developing in the afternoon, with a 10 to 20% risk of a thundery shower developing by late afternoon.
Wind: Variable, less than 5 mph at first, an easterly at 5-10mph developing during the afternoon.