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Volunteer for the 2014 BMW PGA Championship!

Volunteer for the 2014 BMW PGA Championship!

Following the huge success of the Volunteer Programme at the BMW PGA Championship 2013 at Wentworth Club, where volunteers at The European Tour’s flagship event become part of the family of ‘Championship Hosts’, the search is already underway to find helpers for 2014.

BMW PGA Championship Volunteers

Based on the Olympic Games’ ‘Gamesmakers’ programme, the Tour is once again seeking volunteers to take part in one of Britain’s biggest annual sporting events, assisting in welcoming, directing and generally helping spectators at several facilities including the Park & Ride, Welcome Pavilion, Tented Village, Information Points and Players’ Practice Area.

Volunteering at the BMW PGA Championship provides a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be involved in a major sporting occasion and gives sports fans an insight into the running of such an event.

Volunteers also have the chance to see some of the biggest names in the world of golf up close, with Luke Donald, Graeme McDowell, Rory McIlroy, Ian Poulter and Justin Rose all taking part in the 2013 edition.

For a lucky few volunteers, there will even be an opportunity to walk inside the ropes with The European Tour’s superstars as a walking scorer.

The BMW PGA Championship grows bigger and better every year, with more than 100,000 people attending throughout the week in 2013, when Matteo Manassero lifted the trophy after a nail-biting play-off.

This year, 60 volunteers took part in the running of the tournament, working morning and afternoon shifts alternately and gaining free access to the tournament when not actively assisting the general public.

Jamie Birkmyre, Championship Director of the BMW PGA Championship, said: “We are as always hugely indebted to the volunteers who give up their time and effort to play such a major role in one of Great Britain’s most significant sporting events.

“Without our volunteers, the tournament would simply not run as efficiently and professionally as it does year-in, year-out and we look forward to working with another talented and dedicated team of helpers next year.”

Volunteers for the BMW PGA Championship receive tournament clothing and food vouchers for every day.

If you are energetic, enthusiastic, adaptable to all weather conditions and wish to add a world-class sporting event to your CV, you can apply to volunteer at the 2014 BMW PGA Championship by Golfing knowledge is not essential.

Please include in your application any previous experience and a short brief on why you think you would be suitable, as well as your name, age and contact details.

Applicants will need to be available for a selection day and those who are chosen will also partake in a training day, both on days to be confirmed.

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