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Molinari brothers seek home comforts

Molinari brothers seek home comforts

The Molinari brothers are hoping to utilise familiar surroundings at the 71° OPEN D'ITALIA Presented by DAMIANI this week.

Francesco Molinari

The pair know The Circolo Golf Torino - La Mandria like the back of their hands after growing up playing there as youngsters.

The youngest of the two siblings, Francesco, has a reputation of performing in his homeland after becoming the first Italian winner of this tournament in 2006 to claim this maiden European Tour title.

He said: “It is really lovely to be back here. It is where I grew up so I have got lots of memories and I see a lot of friends that I don’t get to see throughout the year.

“It’s nice to be here because it is in very good shape like it was last year. Everything is set for a good week.

“Sometimes when you know a course well you have good and bad memories. I enjoy playing here, since I moved to London I haven’t played here that much in the last five years, so it is great to be here.

“I love the course and, as it was last year, I think a lot of players will enjoy the week and challenge of the course.”

Despite playing in familiar surroundings, Edoardo does not believe there is extra pressure to perform.

The two-time European Tour winner said: “There is more expectation, obviously I am playing on my home course so it is a very weird feeling, but hopefully I can play well and use it to my advantage.

“A lot of fun, there is no pressure at all. I can’t see why there would be more pressure because it is easier to play in front of your family and friends on your home course.”

An impressive performance this week could boost their hopes of securing a wild card for next month’s Ryder Cup.

With the announcement set to be made next week, this is the last chance for anyone to catch the eye of Europe Captain Paul McGinley, who is making his return to action following injury at this event.

Francesco has revealed a potential wild card acts as motivation, adding: “It is still there but I think it is going to be quite hard because there are some big names that didn’t make the team.

“It is definitely not going to be an easy choice for the captain. A very good week here could help. It is an extra little bit of motivation to try and do my best and try to impress the captain.”

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