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Kafelnikov set for Finnish Challenge

Kafelnikov set for Finnish Challenge

Former World Number One tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov is set to compete in next week’s Finnish Challenge tournament at Kytäjä Golf near the town of Hyvinkää.

Kafelnikov, who won two Grand Slam titles and the men’s singles gold medal at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, retired from tennis ten years ago and decided to play professional golf.

Last year he won the Russian Championship and is aiming to represent Russia in golf at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the first year the sport will be part of the Games.

He has a sponsor’s invitation to compete in the inaugural Finnish Challenge, from August 3 -6, and tournament promoter Petri Peltoniemi said: “We wish Yevgeny Kafelnikov a warm welcome to Kytaja.”

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