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Green Walk launched at Foshan Open

Green Walk launched at Foshan Open

As some of Europe and Asia’s most up and coming golfers did battle on the golf course at the Foshan Open, friends and families took part in an exciting new initiative – the Green Walk.

Green Walk at the Foshan Open

Over the course of three days more than 6,000 spectators completed a 5km walk around the first-class facilities of Foshan Golf Club, stopping to try a range of activities as they made their way around parts of the golf course and tented village.

With the emphasis placed firmly on fun and nature, visitors of all ages followed the winding track, and were treated to live music and views of the golf course as they completed the route.

“It took around one month to organise and we feel it has been a great success,” said Foshan Open Green Walk Director, Ray Lei.

“We wanted to set up the Green Walk to show the happiness that can be gained by taking part in sports. The aim was to encourage a lot of people, families and children especially, to come and walk around the golf course so that they can learn more about golf.

“The walk was organised by the Foshan Committee, with the help of our sponsor New World China Land. The Foshan Media Group have also done a lot of great work in helping to promote the event on television and on the radio.

“We have also worked closely with lots of charities, including the Guangdong International Volunteer Group and also a non-profit organisation called Let The Birds Fly. Their aim is to help organise an area in the local community where birds are able to build nests.

“We have also set up this event to help work with autistic children. With many children who are autistic they like to stay inside, so we wanted to help introduce them to the outdoors and encourage them to enjoy nature – they had a fantastic time yesterday.

“All along the route there were lots of activities. When the participants began their walk a live band played music, and as they weaved through the trail on the golf course and the tented village they were shown reminders of how best to help protect the environment.

“When they finished at the 18thhole they were also awarded a medal. The aim was for as many people as possible to enjoy the outdoors while learning about environmental protection.”

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