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Get to know: John Hahn

Get to know: John Hahn

In the second of a new European Challenge Tour series, we find out a bit more about one of the most popular characters on Tour, America’s John Hahn.

John Hahn (Credit Linckens)

Best round of golf you’ve ever played?

58 at Qualifying School.

Dream fourball (yourself plus three)?

Me, my dad, my girlfriend and my caddy.

Favourite golf course you’ve played?

Merion Golf Club.

Dream golf course to play?

It’s got to be Pebble Beach, with those views.

Pebble Beach

Which Major Championship would you most like to win?

The U.S. Open.

Which shot from your career would you like a mulligan on?

Lots of them! Probably my drive a couple of weeks ago in Denmark on the first hole when I was leading in the final round. I would like that one back.

Favourite film?

Currently, Wolf of Wall Street.

If you could travel in time, where and when would you go to?

I would like to go back to Colonial America. Right back to 1776 when the US was formed and see how our founding fathers discovered the country. I would really like to see the ideas they had because I feel that our constitution is outdated and I want to see how they were, what they thought, and how they would think things are nowadays.

Favourite city?

New York City.

New York City

Favourite holiday destination?

Cape Town, South Africa.

Sporting hero?

LeBron James.

LeBron James

You have just won the lottery. What is the first thing you buy?

A good financial manager is what you buy. Someone to invest your money – so you don’t waste it all. The first tangible thing I would buy is a house. And a big garage to fit all my Lamborghinis in it!

What is in your golf bag?

We have balls, gloves and all the normal stuff. Also peanut butter and honey sandwiches every day – and bananas. The most unique thing I have in my golf bag is a ball marker from one of the Thunderbirds' pilots (the Thunderbirds are an Air Force show driven unit and they fly around six planes and do lots of stunts). I knew one of the pilots and my girlfriend’s brother Blake gave me a ball marker from his squadron in the Air Force. So those are the two most unique things I have in my bag.

John Hahn bag

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