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Darius van Driel - pre-season Q&A

Darius van Driel - pre-season Q&A

After a series of appearances on the European Tour, we spoke to Darius van Driel about Tiger Woods, playing with Joost Luiten, and his preparations for the 2017 Road to Oman.

Darius van Driel (Richard Castka/

First things first, how was Dubai?

“To play in Dubai was brilliant and the atmosphere was fantastic. Playing in such a big tournament was slightly nerve-wracking at first and I found myself at the beginning watching what my playing partners were doing instead of focusing on my own game. But after a while I began to get used to the pressure and I really enjoyed it.

“I had just got new clubs which I picked up the week before, so I was still getting used to them. Due to my winter break I had only played two rounds before I teed off in Dubai, so I was pleased to be playing in a tournament again.”

There was a lot of attention surrounding Tiger Woods last week, how was it out there?

“He was the one that everyone was watching last week for sure. I personally didn’t see him as he teed off before me, then during Pro-Am day he seemed to play and then leave straight away, but it was amazing to see how excited all the players were to meet him. Even some of the top players on tour were dying to chat to him!

Tiger Woods chatting to Sebastien Gros in Dubai

“Having him at a tournament is such a positive as even if he does not play well he brings so much interest to the event.”

In December last year you finished tied sixth at the Australian PGA Championship. How much confidence has that given you going into this year?

“It was a really good week and I was delighted with how I played. That result showed me that while I am still not 100% comfortable at that level I can see myself playing in these events.

“That result has also increased my profile slightly, and I received an invite to play in Dubai last week after the director of the KLM Open was impressed with my performance in Australia.

“They are really keen to have two Dutch guys on the European Tour so I am working really hard to make it alongside Joost.”

As the second highest-ranked player in the Netherlands you teamed up with Luiten in the World Cup of Golf. How proud were you to represent your country?

“It was so good to get the opportunity to play alongside Joost. I really enjoyed playing in the team format, but it did take some getting used to – especially the foursomes. I normally play with a very light ball, but the ball we were using was very heavy so it did take a while for me to get used to it.

“I had played in the same club team as Joost back in Holland about ten years ago so I know him well. He is a very good guy and when you play with him you know he is ‘the man’ so you don’t want to let him down. That really encouraged me to play my best that week.”

Joost Luiten and Darius van Driel

After coming through the Alps Tour you played your rookie season on the Challenge Tour last year. How did you find it?

“I have been looking at my stats from last year over the last few weeks and I noticed that I played my best golf during the final rounds. While I was happy with how the season went I have got to make sure that I can produce that level of golf from the start of the week so that I am not always coming from behind.

“Those good rounds give me confidence for next year but the work starts now as aside from Dubai I had only played two rounds since December. Over the winter you can still practise and you can improve your physique in the gym, but you can only get your rhythm back by regularly playing in tournaments.

“My goal this year is to get on to the European Tour in any way I can – whether that is through the Challenge Tour or putting in a good performance on the European Tour if I am given another invite.”

This will only be your third year as a professional but you are 27. Is there any reason why you took some time before deciding to join the paid ranks?

“Originally I had planned to turn professional when I was 18 or 19 but I was involved in an accident. I was at a junior golf tournament when after I finished playing I went on a banana boat. I fell off and broke my right hand, which meant that I had to have surgery.

“I thought I would only be out for a few months, but the operation did not go well and the doctors told me that one of my fingers hadn’t set properly – meaning I needed to have more surgery.

“After that I was not sure if I would be able to play again, so I enrolled at the University of Amsterdam where I studied economics and sports marketing. I got a job at Nike’s European headquarters in Hilversum but I started to get into golf again, and after performing well at club level, I decided to join the Alps Tour and see what I could do.

“I am still improving and I am still hoping that I can continue my rise up the ranks – although I have nothing on Jordan Smith!”

The 2017 European Challenge Tour schedule was announced recently. Which tournaments are you most looking forward to this season?    

“I played all but three events last year so it all seems like a bit of a blur, but I really enjoyed Ireland and am looking forward to going back there – the course was in great condition and I remember there being large crowds there. Other than that, I am excited about going back to China. I had never been to Asia before last year, and it was great to experience a completely different culture.”

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