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British Golf Association seek Team Leader for 2016 Olympics

British Golf Association seek Team Leader for 2016 Olympics

Golf makes its long-awaited return to the fold as an Olympic sport at Rio de Janeiro in 2016, and the British Golf Association (BGA) is seeking a Team Leader to act as a figurehead for the men and women who will represent Great Britain during the ‘greatest show on earth’ in three years’ time.

British Olympic Association logo

The BGA is the golf body affiliated to the British Olympic Association and oversees all golfing matters relating to the golf and the Olympics.  The Association is a joint venture between golf’s governing bodies in England, Scotland and Wales as well as the Professional Golfers Association.

One of the key elements of the BGA’s role is to appoint the appropriate, suitably qualified Team Leader to oversee the build-up towards Rio 2016 on a strictly voluntary basis.

The successful candidate is expected to possess proven leadership skills, be a strong communicator, be well organized and able to work within a team framework and independently as and when necessary.

Experience of playing elite level golf and knowledge of performance golf, as well as knowledge of and interest in the Olympics, is desirable.

Reporting to the BGA Board and ultimately the BOA, the role will require the post holder to work alongside the BOA and other sport Team Leaders to fulfil these functions and liaise with the BGA Board as required.
Applications, consisting of CV and covering letter should be emailed in confidence to:

Closing date for applications – Friday, 18 October, 2013 at 12 noon. Further detailed information relating to the post can also be obtained by emailing the above address.

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