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Amateur gets redemption after Beat the Pro shank

Amateur gets redemption after Beat the Pro shank

Ever wondered what it's like to take on the pros at a European Tour event?


Well, that dream came true for a select few fans at the KLM Open recently. Taking place at The Dutch, a Colin Montgomerie designed course in the Netherlands, the tournament organisers gave fans to chance to "Beat The Pros" in a closest to the hole competition during play on Thursday and Saturday.

One of those lucky fans was Joost van den Broek, a four handicap golfer who lives in the area. Teeing it up against his namesake Joost Luiten, who went on to win the tournament, the Dutch amateur had a moment to forget in the Beat The Pro challenge.

As Joost Luiten marched on victory a day later, amateur Joost was left in dismay at his one attempt on the hole.

However, like any good story, this tale had a happy ending. The tournament organisers, along withGolf.nl, invited van den Broek back to the hole the day after the tournament to have one more go. Could he redeem himself? Watch the video below to find out.

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