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Aiken eyeing historic victory

Aiken eyeing historic victory

Thomas Aiken is looking to create a place in the record books during a historic week for The European Tour and Reale Seguros Open de España .

Thomas Aiken

The event at Real Club de Golf de Sevilla marks the 100th anniversary of the tournament, and 40 years since the event became the first event on The European Tour.

And South African Aiken is hoping to become the first player during that time to successfully defend the title.

“It’s always nice to come back here, especially as the defending champion,” he said.

“The Spanish Open carries so much history, it’s the third oldest tournament in the world. It’s the 100th year of the Spanish Open and it’s the 40th year of The European Tour which all started with the Spanish Open.

“I’m very proud and pleased to have won such a wonderful championship and proud to come back and defend my title.

“It’s going to be challenging, a lot of the holes are playing different, they’ve narrowed the fairways and brought in the rough.

“It’s going to be an interesting week but at the end you’ll have a deserving winner.”

Aiken’s maiden European Tour victory at El Prat was an emotional affair, coming as it did during the week of Seve Ballesteros’ sad passing.

“Seve was an amazing person, not only as a golfer, his personality came through his golf,” he added. “He showed every emotion while he was on the golf course, which is why I think the crowds took to him all over the world.

“I think he’ll be remembered this week, he had an amazing life and an amazing career and did so much for the sport, especially in Europe. It’s really sad that he’s not with us still.”

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