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Scots hoping to pave Chinese path to Oman

Scots hoping to pave Chinese path to Oman

Placed 16th and 46th, respectively, in the Road to Oman Rankings, Scotsmen Scott Henry and Peter Whiteford have differing reasons to feel the pressure at this week’s Foshan Open, but both ultimately have the same goal – registering a season-defining result in the penultimate event of the 2015 campaign.

Scott Henry (Richard Castka)

Henry sits just one place outside the all-important top 15 and a big result at this week’s $500,000 event at Foshan Golf Club, in Shishan Town near Guangzhou, would go a long way in securing his graduation to The European Tour.

This week is effectively a major for the Challenge Tour guys

A high finish would, at the very least, put the 27 year old in a strong position to consolidate his place in the top 15 at the NBO Golf Classic Grand Final in two weeks’ time.

“There are two tournaments to go and two big ones as well,” said the 2012 Kazakhstan Open champion, who graduated that same year. “There is more than likely going to be big jumps, no matter who it is.

“There will definitely be a few big changes in the Rankings over these next two events, I’m just hoping to be one of those guys who can make a big jump.

“It would be nice to get it all done and dusted this week but I have not played well in the last couple of weeks.

“I think when you come to a tournament like this, it just feels like a big event. This is such a great tournament, so well organised, so many volunteers, quite a few people out watching. It’s just enjoyable, feels more like a European Tour event, and it’s effectively a major for the Challenge Tour guys.

“I just enjoy it more, and you’re playing on a really good golf course as well – this is a European Tour style course. I feel that suits my game a little bit more.

“I didn’t play well here last year but at that time I was struggling, hence why I changed coach recently. Over the last year my long game has not been where it should be and a few unusual things have crept in, but I’m starting to iron that out and I’m seeing the results now with the way I’m hitting it.

“I’d be lying if I said there were no nerves but I think that’s when it’s the most fun. If you weren’t getting nervous playing golf, it would be boring and sometimes I feel like that’s where my problem is in some other events, trying to get that buzz going where you are engaged in every shot, getting excited, and this tournament certainly makes you feel that way.”

For Whiteford, merely a place in the season finale in the Omani capital of Muscat is the aim as he attempts to make a swift return to the top tier, where he has played six full seasons.

Peter Whiteford (Richard Castka)

“I’m not playing well, so I’ve almost got half an eye on Qualifying School,” he said. “To miss second stage and get straight to Final Stage would be a massive bonus, so my main goal is to make sure I’m in the top 45.

“I guess in theory that’s slightly negative but that’s where my game is at the moment. I’ve put a lot of work in though and I’ve made a few changes so if I can turn it around then great. But first things first, I need to get myself into the top 30 or so this week and that should secure it, but I’ll play each day as it comes.

“If I can get into Grand Final, I’ll just be hitting it as hard as I can and going for it. It doesn’t matter if I come fifth or last so it would be nice to just get there. I’m playing cagey golf and I’m scared to hit it hard, petrified golf, but it’s just one step at a time so if I can get through this, I’ll take it from there.”


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