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Rewind: Czech Challenge raises money for Good Deed

Rewind: Czech Challenge raises money for Good Deed

It is often said that charity begins at home, and that is very much the case this week at the D+D REAL Czech Challenge, as the tournament raises money for a local man suffering with brain damage.

Vojtech Navratil with his parents

The promoter, RELMOST, have teamed up with DOBRY SKUTEK (Good Deed), a charity that supports people at difficult times in their lives when no other financial assistance is available, and this week the beneficiary of that generosity will be Vojtech Navratil.

Born two weeks premature, the 20 year old suffered severe brain damage that has affected his musculoskeletal system, and as a result he is confined to a wheelchair and requires constant care from his parents.

His mother, Lenka Chvatalova, contacted DOBRY SKUTEK to help fund a two week stay for her son in a well-known Slovakian rehabilitation centre, in the hope that one day Vojtech might be able to walk with the assistance of crutches.

“The first time we invested our savings in this, the results from the centre were very successful,” said Lenka. “They taught us the right types of exercises and, working out two hours every day, we can see that Vojtech is getting closer to his dream, step by step.

“To reach the best results, it is necessary to undergo the therapy in Piestany at least twice a year. We had the possibility to repeat the therapy once again in June last year and were again very happy with the results. We paid for both of these stays with our savings and after taking out some loans, but we cannot, however, afford another expense of this sort and I have no other choice but to ask for help.

“Every mom wants nothing but to see her child happy and seeing my son standing on his feet, even if using crutches, would be the happiest moment for me too.”

Fundraising will take place throughout all four tournament days, in the hope that the tournament will be able to help Vojtech return to the rehabilitation centre.

This initiative is very important to the promoters, and is something they will be doing across a lot of their events, including the remaining two golf tournaments they run – the D+D REAL Slovakia Challenge on the Challenge Tour, and The European Tour’s Czech Masters.

“Our aim is to provide help through golf for those with health issues and limitations,” said Petr Dedek, the owner of RELMOST. “We focus on children but have also developed a special program for elderly citizens. Accompanying activities for families, the handicapped and elderly members of our community will always be an inseparable part of our tournaments.”

Vojtech Navratil with his parents

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