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Q&A with Stuart Davis

Q&A with Stuart Davis

Q. What’s the best and worst meals you’ve ever had?
A. The best would have to be a steak I had in South Africa recently. The worst was probably a lentil stew I had as a kid in France years ago – it was awful, and my Mum made me eat the whole lot!

Q. Stockings or suspenders?
A. Suspenders.

Q. What’s the longest putt you’ve ever holed?
A. It was at PGA de Catalunya in the Spanish Open last year. I hit a terrible approach, and must’ve left myself with an 80-foot putt. The pin was on the far right, and I was just on the green on the far left. I was playing with Garry Houston, and he was wetting himself when it went in!

Q. Home cooking or takeaway?
A. Home cooking. My speciality’s probably a cottage pie.

Q. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received on a golf course?
A. To keep your concentration. I was playing at Q School about seven or eight years ago, and after I’d hit a really bad drive my mate who was caddying for me at the time said I hadn’t been concentrating on the shot. So now, any time I have to wait on a shot or if I can feel myself losing concentration, I remind myself of what he said.

Q. What football team do you support, and who’s your favourite player?
A. Ipswich Town, so it’s been a pretty miserable season! We haven’t got many decent players at the moment, but my all-time favourite would have to be Paul Mariner.

Q. What’s your favourite sport away from golf?
A. Probably cricket. I got to watch my home team Derbyshire play every now and then.

Q. Facebook or MySpace?
A. I’m not on either of them! My favourite site – other than, obviously – would probably have to be the BBC’s, which I go to for news and sport.

Q. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?
A.  Brunettes.

Q. Who’s your dream date?
A. Probably Scarlett Johansson, although she’s blonde most of the time. So maybe if she dyed her hair brown I might give her a chance!

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