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Player Blog: Brandon Stone

Player Blog: Brandon Stone

In the latest in our series of player blogs, South African Brandon Stone talks about winning the SA Open, taking a phone call from Gary Player, life on the open road and relaxing with his pet dogs… 

Brandon Stone

I’m really excited about the US PGA Championship. I’m staying in a really nice house close to the course with my Dad (former Sunshine Tour professional Kevin Stone) and brother, and so far the week has gone really well. Although it’d be better if someone turned the heating down!

It’s amazing to think how far I’ve come in such a short space of time. If someone had said at the start of the year that I’d be teeing up in the US PGA Championship seven months later, I would’ve told them they were crazy. But here I am, and I’ve earned my place. Playing my first Major at The Open two weeks ago was an amazing experience, and I’m sure this week is going to be just as special.

Winning the SA Open at the start of the year has changed my life. No matter what else I go on to achieve, it will always be a career highlight. Walking up the 18th fairway knowing the title was in the bag was surreal. I don’t normally like to show my emotions on the golf course, but even before I holed the winning putt, the floodgates had already opened. It’s a tournament I grew up watching and dreamed of winning, so to do it so early in my career was more than I could ever have hoped for. To think that my name is on the same trophy as Gary Player, Bobby Locke and Ernie Els – I still haven’t quite got used to seeing it on there even now.

Brandon Stone

I had a few media and sponsorship commitments afterwards, so by the time I got home there were about 200 people in the house, and they’d been celebrating for a few hours. I had a few drinks, but there was no way I was going to catch up with them! My Mum told me to put my phone away and enjoy the moment, which I did but I happened to walk past it and a number I didn’t recognise flashed up, so I answered and it was Gary Player! It must’ve been fate. We had a very nice chat, and he told me I needed to win it 12 more times to catch him up, so that put my achievement into perspective!

The rest of the season has been a little bit inconsistent, butit doesn’t bother me too much. Not even the best golfers in the world can bring their A-game every week, and I’d rather have two wins and eight missed cuts than ten top 25 finishes. Of course we all want to be consistent, but winning matters more to me.    

My Dad was a pro, so I guess I was always destined to become a golfer.But he never pressured me into it – if anything, it was quite the opposite because he knew the pitfalls. He’s always kept my feet firmly on the ground, and he’s always drilled into me that life as a pro golfer isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. But so far, it’s worked out pretty well for me.

I’m a real petrol head. I bought my girlfriend Annette a new car when I won the SA Open, but really it was more a present for me! I also bought myself a Ford Mustang – I went to college in Texas, so that’s probably where I got the idea from. My parents were probably against it, but like any 23 year old I’m not really interested in saving for the future – I want to spend my money! And being out on the open road makes me happy, it’s a great way to relax and switch off from golf. Behind the wheel, I don’t have a care in the world. The music I play depends on who I’m with – I’ve got quite eclectic tastes, and listen to everything from ‘80s classic to more modern stuff.

I’m also a dog lover. We have two, a Golden Retriever called Oliver, and a Scottish Terrier called Jessie. They’re such fun and we love taking them out for walks, but they can also be hard work. After having to look after two dogs, I’m not sure I want any kids!

My friends and family keep me grounded.Mybest friend Andrew, who I’ve known since I was four, would give me a slap round the ear if ever he thought I was getting big-headed. He keeps things in perspective for me, which is what I value most in our relationship. If ever I’m getting frustrated or getting too far ahead of myself, he reminds me that at the end of last year, I was fighting like mad to finish in the top 15 of the Challenge Tour Rankings to get my European Tour card. So there will be ups and downs, but you’ve got to try to enjoy the ride and always remember where you came from.

The Challenge Tour was such a great grounding. It teaches you about professional golf, and also about life. It really toughens you up, and if you can make it through you’ve really earned the right to make the step up to the main Tour. You only have to look at the names of the players who have come through the Tour, including the current Open Champion whose locker is next to mine this week.  

Going to the Olympics is going to be an amazing experience– I can’t wait. Taking part in the opening ceremony is going to be such a privilege, and I’m really looking forward to mixing with the other competitors in the athletes’ village. I train with a few of the swimmers and the sprinters in Pretoria, and seeing how hard they work and their dedication levels has been inspiring. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime, and I hope I can make the most of it.

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