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Match Play Tips: From The Pros

Match Play Tips: From The Pros

With this week’s Aberdeen Asset Management Paul Lawrie Match Play offering the field a rare chance to put their match play skills to the test, we thought we would get some top match play tips from some of the players here in Archerfield.

Where better to start than withTommy Fleetwood, a man who reached the quarter-finals of the WGC – Cadillac Match Play Championship last year after beating Branden Grace in the last 16.

“I think people get carried away when it’s match play and try to make birdie on every hole, and they’re smashing it off every tee without worrying about making double-bogeys.

Tommy Fleetwood

"I’ve always found that if I keep it in play and stay in the hole all the time, and keep the pressure on, that’s worked for me better over the years. I’ve always enjoyed match play and it’s comforting knowing if you make a double or triple it’s just one hole gone, but it’s just about staying in holes for me.

Tommy Fleetwood

“If you’re always there eventually you’ll have a few good holes and maybe make some birdies. You’ll end up winning some holes and being in a decent position to push on and hopefully win the match."

It is always worth getting the tips and thoughts of the number one seed at any event, so with that in mind here isChris Wood, on gaining an advantage over that guy who is busy drinking coffee ahead of a match play contest:

There aren’t many golfers on the planet who can lay claim to having won the US Amateur, howeverRichie Ramsayknows what it feels like to have won the prestigious match play event, having done so back in 2006 at this year’s Ryder Cup venue, Hazeltine Golf Club.

“A good start would be to win your own game! I think a lot of people end up playing their opponent too much, so just stick to playing your own game. For me you play your best golf when you’re playing the golf course.

“Don’t worry too much about what your opponent is doing off the tee box, especially with irons and drivers. Pick your shot that suits your game the best. And try and stay consistent – you have to make them win the match, rather than you losing it.

Richie Ramsay

“If you miss the green, do all you can to get up and down. Make a par and make your opposing number have to make a birdie. And always have belief – you never know what’s going to happen. Even if you’re getting thrashed you could win the last few holes and be alright, so don’t worry if you get down early on, it’s the finish to the match that is the most important thing.

“Keep battling. Give 110 per cent the whole way round.”

Stephen Gallacherhas experienced match play golf in its most intense form at The Ryder Cup in 2014 at Gleneagles. The Scotsman, who will be vying to go deep in the draw this week, offers up his guidance:

Edoardo Molinari has also tasted the unique pressures and dramas of Ryder Cup match play golf having played in the 2010 edition at Celtic Manor Resort. Everyone has their own way of approaching match play, and ‘Dodo’ suggests being aggressive is a good place to start:

“If I was offering advice I would say be a little more aggressive than usual because even if you make a mistake you only lose one hole. Then you have to keep an eye on what your opponent is doing, because if he hits it in the trees on a tight hole then it makes sense for you to hit an iron from the tee and keep it in play.

Edoardo Molinari

“My final bit of advice would be to really focus on your short game in the lead up to the match. In match play is always very tough playing someone with a good short game who is frustrating you by getting up and down from everywhere and holing big putts, so you want to be that guy who has the very good short game on the day.”

While we are on the subject of match play golf, who better to have the last word on the week ahead than the host himself, MrPaul Lawrie:

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