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KLM Open hit by vandalism

KLM Open hit by vandalism

The start of the KLM Open was delayed due to vandalism on several of the Hilversumsche Golf Club greens overnight.

A greenkeeper repairs the damaged greens

Areas on each of the putting surfaces on the fourth, fifth, sixth and ninth holes were dug up overnight leading to a 45 minute delay on Thursday morning as greenkeeping staff went about repairing the damage.

Play will still be possible on the greens with the repaired areas on all the greens being treated as areas of Ground Under Repair under the normal rules of golf.

KLM Championship Director Daan Slooter said: “Early this morning we ascertained damage to four of the greens here at Hilversumsche. At this moment we do not know who caused the damage. All has been restored and the tournament will resume. For this evening and the rest of the tournament we have increased security substantially.

“I’m very disappointed for all the people here at the club who worked so hard over the past few days, through challenging weather conditions, to ensure the course was in playable condition. However, having said that, the same professionalism of the greenkeepers has ensured that the damage has been repaired so the tournament can go ahead. They are all due a huge vote of thanks.”

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