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Get to know: Ryan Fox

Get to know: Ryan Fox

With six events left of the European Challenge Tour season, we thought it was time to find out a bit more about Road to Oman Rankings Number Five, and Olympian, Ryan Fox.

Ryan Fox

Best round of golf you’ve ever played?

My last round in Northern Ireland this year where I shot 62 to win.

Dream fourball (yourself plus three)?

Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus and probably my old man (former All Black Grant Fox).

Ryan and Grant Fox

Favourite golf course you’ve played?

A new one in New Zealand called Tara Iti Golf Club. It’s a links course right by the coast which is very, very nice.

Dream golf course to play?


Which Major Championship would you most like to win?

The Masters

Which shot from your career would you like a mulligan on?

Probably the first New Zealand Open I played as a professional. I had a putt which I thought was to win and I ended up three-putting – so I would really like another crack at that.

Favourite film?

Just Star Wars – I can’t pick one!

If you could travel in time, where and when would you go to?

I was obsessed with dinosaurs as a kid. I couldn’t give you a place but I would just love to go back to that time and see one first hand – that would be pretty cool.

If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

Someone like Ben Hogan. Would be cool to meet him just to talk about how different the game was back then.

Ben Hogan

Favourite city?

Auckland, that’s home.

Favourite holiday destination?


Sporting hero?

Tiger Woods

You have just won the lottery. What is the first thing you buy?

A boat – I love fishing.


Three words to describe you

Relaxed and easy going.

What is in your golf bag?

The one thing that I have in my bag that’s unique is a fox head cover!

Ryan Fox

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