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Get to know: Jordan Smith

Get to know: Jordan Smith

In the fourth edition of Get to Know, we ask Road to Oman Rankings Number One, Jordan Smith, an array of questions – from favourite film to dream fourball.

Jordan Smith

Best round of golf you’ve ever played?

My 63 in Egypt this year.

Dream fourball (yourself plus three)?

I would go for Tiger Woods, Will Ferrell and Megan Fox.

Favourite golf course you’ve played?

Fancourt – The Links, in South Africa.


Dream golf course to play?

Either Augusta or National Golf Links in America (I played the Walker Cup there and it was incredible).

Which Major Championship would you most like to win?

The Open Championship

Which shot from your career would you like a mulligan on?

My last putt in the Czech Republic this year. It was uphill and I left it short, so I finished as a runner-up.

Favourite film?

Step Brothers

If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

Will Ferrell

If you could travel in time, where and when would you go to?

I would go back to the time of the moon landing, but I’d be one of the astronuats on the moon.

Favourite city?

New York

New York City

Favourite holiday destination?


Sporting hero?

Tiger Woods

You have just won the lottery. What is the first thing you buy?

A nice car, something quick!

BMW Tee Marker

Three words to describe you?

Laid back, easy going and a good laugh, I think!

What is in your golf bag?

I have Nike clubs, for now! I also have a £5 coin which was my Grandad’s and I use it as a ball marker. That is the most special thing that is in my bag.

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