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Get to know: Alexander Björk

Get to know: Alexander Björk

In the third of a new European Challenge Tour series, we find out a bit more about one of the leading lights of the 2016 season, Road to Oman Rankings Number Five, Alexander Björk.

Alexander Bjork

Best round of golf you’ve ever played?

I have made 62 three times – two times on the Challenge Tour and once on the Nordic Golf League. Most recently I made this score in Italy this year.

Dream fourball (yourself plus three)?

I would go for Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson and Henrik Stenson.

Favourite golf course you’ve played?

That is Sea Island Golf Club, in the United States. It was really good.

Sea Island Golf Club

Dream golf course to play?

I would say Augusta.

Which Major Championship would you most like to win?

The Open Championship.

Which shot from your career would you like a mulligan on?

Tough choice but I would say my second shot at the 18th during my third round at the Nordea Masters this year. I went on to make a double-bogey six.

Favourite film?

Any James Bond movie!

If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

Tiger Woods – I’ve always wanted to meet him.

Tiger Woods

If you could travel in time, where and when would you go to?

I would go to Sweden 4000 or 5000 years ago. I would just like to see what it was like then.

Favourite city?

Los Angeles.

Favourite holiday destination?

Either The Alps to go skiing or Thailand.

Sporting hero?

Usain Bolt – you can’t go wrong with the fastest man in the world.

Usain Bolt

You have just won the lottery. What is the first thing you buy?

A big boat!

Three words to describe you

Uncomplicated, nice and family-orientated.

What is in your golf bag?

I play with Cobra clubs and an Odyssey putter. I also take around with me water and energy bars, plus all my emergency kit.

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