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Genworth Stats Pack - Round 3 Review

Genworth Stats Pack - Round 3 Review

The field finally caught up after a long day to finish the third round on time, setting the scene for the final round of the Ballantine’s Championship on Sunday. Alexander Noren holds a slender lead on -9, followed by Genworth Ambassador Pablo Larrazábal and Scotland’s Peter Whiteford on -8, and the two Australians Marcus Fraser and Brett Rumford on -7. We analyse their performances so far plus we round up the Genworth Statistics leaders.

Alexander NOREN -9

Alexander Noren has made the fewest mistakes of all the players in the field so far this week (two bogeys and one double bogey), which is an interesting statistic considering he ranks down in 54th for the Genworth Driving Accuracy statistic for the event. That being the case the 30 year old Swedish golfer has still managed to hit 74.1% of the Greens in Regulation, and his short game has been superb when the greens have been missed, scrambling 12/14 times (including 5/5 Sand Saves).

Tournament Stats Result Rank
Stroke Average 69.00 1
Driving Accuracy 54.8% 54
Driving Distance 282 yds 26
Greens in Reg 74.1% 21
Scrambles 85.7% 1
Sand Saves 100% 1
Putts per GIR 1.725 12
Putts per Round 28.3 9
1 Putts per Rnd 8.00 8
Tournament Stats Result Rank
Par 3 Scoring 2.83 1
Par 4 Scoring 3.83 3
Par 5 Scoring 4.83 40
Eagles per Rnd 0.00 13
Birdies per Rnd 4.33 10
Pars per Rnd 12.67 -
Bogeys per Rnd 0.67 1
Others per Rnd 0.33 14
Par 5's in 2 0 41



Genworth Ambassador Pablo Larrazábal hit 17/18 Greens in Regulation on his way to a third round 68 (the low round of the day). The 29 year old Spanish golfer’s long game has actually been very strong all week, ranking 26th for Driving Accuracy, 9th for Driving Distance and 2nd for Greens in Regulation. As a result of so many greens being hit, it is not surprising Pablo’s putting statistics are not ranking quite so well.

Tournament Stats Result Rank
Stroke Average 69.33 2
Driving Accuracy 66.7% 26
Driving Distance 291 yds 9
Greens in Reg 87.0% 2
Scrambles 57.1% 35
Sand Saves 80.0% 12
Putts per GIR 1.787 27
Putts per Round 31.0 54
1 Putts per Rnd 5.67 54
Tournament Stats Result Rank
Par 3 Scoring 3.08 36
Par 4 Scoring 3.80 2
Par 5 Scoring 4.75 25
Eagles per Rnd 0.00 13
Birdies per Rnd 4.33 10
Pars per Rnd 12.00 -
Bogeys per Rnd 1.67 7
Others per Rnd 0.00 1
Par 5's in 2 1 20


Peter Whiteford is performing well in most departments of the game. Looking at his Genworth Statistics, the 32 year old Scottish golfer ranks 10th for Driving Distance, 35th for Greens in Regulation and 3rd for Scrambles, and he seems to have his eye in on the greens. Peter will be hoping for a big finish tomorrow to kick-start his season.

Tournament Stats Result Rank
Stroke Average 69.33 2
Driving Accuracy 61.9% 43
Driving Distance 290 yds 10
Greens in Reg 70.4% 35
Scrambles 75.0% 3
Sand Saves 60.0% 27
Putts per GIR 1.763 20
Putts per Round 29.0 14
1 Putts per Rnd 7.33 16
Tournament Stats Result Rank
Par 3 Scoring 3.08 36
Par 4 Scoring 3.90 5
Par 5 Scoring 4.50 4
Eagles per Rnd 0.00 13
Birdies per Rnd 4.33 10
Pars per Rnd 12.00 -
Bogeys per Rnd 1.67 7
Others per Rnd 0.00 1
Par 5's in 2 2 6

Marcus FRASER -7

Marcus Fraser may not be the longest hitter on the European Tour, but he is widely regarded as being one of the best putters out there (he ranked 1st for the 2012 season ending Genworth Putts per Round statistic). This week seems to be more of the same, with the 34 year old Australian golfer ranking 2nd for Putts per GIR, 4th for Putts per Round and 2nd for 1 Putts per Round.

Tournament Stats Result Rank
Stroke Average 69.67 4
Driving Accuracy 61.9% 43
Driving Distance 263 yds 63
Greens in Reg 68.5% 43
Scrambles 64.7% 17
Sand Saves 25.0% 49
Putts per GIR 1.595 2
Putts per Round 27.0 4
1 Putts per Rnd 9.00 2
Tournament Stats Result Rank
Par 3 Scoring 2.83 1
Par 4 Scoring 3.93 9
Par 5 Scoring 4.75 25
Eagles per Rnd 0.00 13
Birdies per Rnd 5.00 4
Pars per Rnd 11.00 -
Bogeys per Rnd 1.67 7
Others per Rnd 0.33 14
Par 5's in 2 0 41

Brett RUMFORD -7

Statistically, Brett Rumford’s game is quite similar to Marcus Fraser, in that he does not drive the ball enormous distances, nor is he a Greens in Regulation machine, but he too has a sublime touch around the greens. With one round to go, the 35 year old Australian golfer ranks 1st for Putts per GIR, 2nd for Putts per Round and 3rd for 1 Putts per Round, plus he has actually converted more birdies than any other player in the field (18 in total).

Tournament Stats Result Rank
Stroke Average 69.67 4
Driving Accuracy 50.0% 62
Driving Distance 282 yds 24
Greens in Reg 57.4% 70
Scrambles 60.9% 28
Sand Saves 40.0% 43
Putts per GIR 1.548 1
Putts per Round 26.0 2
1 Putts per Rnd 8.67 3
Tournament Stats Result Rank
Par 3 Scoring 3.00 21
Par 4 Scoring 3.93 9
Par 5 Scoring 4.58 11
Eagles per Rnd 0.00 13
Birdies per Rnd 6.00 1
Pars per Rnd 8.67 -
Bogeys per Rnd 3.00 46
Others per Rnd 0.33 14
Par 5's in 2 0 41

Official Genworth Statistics Leaders

  • Stroke Average: 69.00
    Alexander NOREN.
  • Driving Accuracy: 88.1%
    Heung-chol JOO.
  • Driving Distance: 311 yards
    Scott HEND.
  • Greens in Regulation: 88.9%
    James MORRISON.
  • Scrambles: 85.7%
    Alexander NOREN.
  • Sand Saves: 100%
    10 players including Alexander NOREN who saved 5/5.
  • Putts per GIR: 1.548
    Brett RUMFORD.
  • Putts per Round: 25.7
    Heung-chol JOO.
  • 1 Putts: 28
    Sang-hyun PARK.

Other interesting statistics provided by the Genworth Stats Pack

  • Par 3 Scoring: 2.83
    Tommy FLEETWOOD, Marcus FRASER, James MORRISON, Alexander NOREN, Simon DYSON, Mu HU, Fabrizio ZANOTTI, Damien MCGRANE, Richie RAMSAY, Mohd SIDDIKUR.
  • Par 4 Scoring: 3.73
    Romain WATTEL.
  • Par 5 Scoring: 4.42
    Scott HEND, Hyun-bin PARK, Y. E. YANG.
  • Most Par 5 holes where green is hit in two shots: 5
    Scott HEND.
  • Most shots holed from off the green: 4
    Heung-chol JOO.
  • Least number of drop shots during the tournament: 2 Bogeys and 1 Double Bogey
    Alexander NOREN.
  • Most 3 Putts: 8
  • Most Eagles: 2
    Eddie PEPPERELL.
  • Most Birdies: 18
    Brett RUMFORD.
  • Most Pars: 42
    Mu HU.
  • Most Bogeys: 12
    Dong-seop MAENG, Alejandro CAÑIZARES.
  • Most Others: 3
    8 players.

About the Genworth Stats Pack - Your feedback is important

Genworth and the European Tour present the Genworth Stats Pack, comprising of 5 reports per event (pre-event, after rounds 1, 2 and 3, and post-event). The reports will provide unique, interesting and useful information derived from expert analysis of the Genworth Statistics and several other sources, for example course information. The European Tour and Genworth truly hope this new tool will become essential in helping enhance the usability and understanding of the Genworth Statistics.

Please contact us with feedback for the Genworth Stats Pack.

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