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Edberg in line to shake up the Rankings

Edberg in line to shake up the Rankings

Whilst Tommy Fleetwood looks set to sew up the Challenge Rankings after a stunning round of 61 on the second day of the Apulia San Domenico Grand Final, the race to see who takes the last remaining cards is starting to hot up.

Pelle Edberg (pic by Phil Inglis)

As it stands, Sweden’s Pelle Edberg, England’s Chris Lloyd and Austrian Florian Praegant are on course to gatecrash the top 20 in the Rankings at the expense of South African Branden Grace, Portugal’s José-Filipe Lima and Frenchman Anthony Snobeck.

If the positions were to remain unaltered, Edberg, currently tied third in the tournament, would leap nine places up the Rankings from 26thto 15th, whilst Lloyd, currently tied fifth, would climb from 29thto 20th.

Similarly, should Praegant finish in his current position of tied eighth, he too would make the jump into the all-important top 20, from 23rdto 19th.

Other potentially significant movers include England’s Chris Gane, who would climb from 16thin the Rankings to 13th– and therefore secure a better category – should he finish in his current position of tied fifth; and Scotland’s Craig Lee, who is in line to climb into the top ten, from ninth to 12th.

But with only half of the €330,000 completed, there is sure to be further changes over the next two days.

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