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David Horsey will be looking to make history in the BMW International Open, by becoming the first player to successfully defend the title. There have been 20 different winners from the previous 22 stagings of the event

• The only time The European Tour has witnessed a five-man play-off was at the 1992 BMW International Open. American Ryder Cup Captain in 2008,  Paul Azinger, prevailed against Glen Day, Anders Forsbrand, Mark James and Bernhard Langer.

• Bernhard Langer, Germany’s greatest ever golfer, will be bidding to claim the only German-staged European Tour he has not won. The two-time Masters Tournament Champion has finished second on five occasions in 1992, 1995, 2000, 2002 and 2007.  In his career, he has won 11 European Tour events on German soil.

• Low scoring has been a feature of the BMW International Open since the event went to Golfclub München. In 1997. The average winning score has been 267, with an average 36 hole cut of three under par.

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