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Did You Know?

• When Des Smyth won the 2001 Madeira Island Open  he created European Tour history by becoming the oldest winner of a European Tour event, aged 48 and 34 days, beating the record of Neil Coles, who was 48 and 14 days , in winning the 1982 Sanyo Open.

• Tano Goya became the youngest Argentine to win on The European Tour International Schedule, when he triumphed here 12 months ago. He was 20 and 294 days.

• Alastair Forsyth made history in the Madeira Islands Open BPI – Portugal by beating Hennie Otto 12 months ago. This marked the first time the event had required extra holes to find the winner since 1993

• Madeira has been a happy hunting ground for Sweden, having recorded five victories in the event. They are: Mars Lanner (1994, 98), Jarmo Sandelin (1996), Niclas Fasth (2000) and Christopher Hanell (2004). Along with the Open de España, the Madeira Island Open BPI- Portugal  has been the most successful European Tour event for Sweden with five wins.

•  The Maderia Islands Open BPI – Portugal will be staged at the Seve Ballesteros- designed Porto Santo Golf Club. Opened in 2004, it is the second Ballesteros course to stage an official event on The European Tour. The first was the 1993 Turespaña Masters Open de Andalucia at Novo Sancti Petri, won by Andrew Oldcorn.

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