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Cambridge feels at home at La Moye

Cambridge feels at home at La Moye

Delroy Cambridge is hoping to continue his love affair with La Moye Golf Club this week when he attempts to become the first player to successful defend the Matrix Jersey Classic.

Delroy Cambridge

The Channel Island has been a happy hunting ground for the Jamaican who lost in a play-off to Seiji Ebihara in 2001 before capturing the title the following year. He then became the only two time winner when he ended a seven year wait for his fifth Senior Tour victory when he beat Mike Clayton on the third extra hole 12 months ago.

The 60 year old is looking for another strong showing over the links course this week to kick-start his season, with a share of 17th position in the Aberdeen Brunei Senior Masters presented by The Stapleford Fourm his best finish so far this campaign.

“I’ve got some very happy memories of La Moye,” said Cambridge. “I’ve had three top ten finishes there – two as winner and one I lost in a play-off so I feel comfortable on this golf course.

“I think I play a little bit more cautiously there because it is a links course. I’m more protective on this course and I know how to play it so I don’t go in aggressively.”

Cambridge will be employing a similar strategy this week when he hopes the memories of a fine performance last year will come flooding back.

“I remember playing the 16th last year and needing to make birdie but hitting it over the green,” he said. “I holed a 25 yarder down the hill and thinking after I made that putt that I had a really good chance.  Then coming down the 18th I’d practiced that putt all week so I knew what to do.

“In the play-off we went to the third extra hole and Mike was about six foot closer than me so I thought I have to make this putt and it went straight in. If you feel like you are going to make it then often it happens.

“It meant everything to me winning last year. I hadn’t won in a long time and my exemption didn’t look as good as I wanted so I need to win to get into The Senior Open as I don’t like having to qualify.

“Unfortunately I didn’t play well at the end of the year and carry that form on but I feel like I’m starting to play well again now, just at right time. I’m looking forward to defending and going for the hat-trick. It’s not an overly long course, La Moye – it’s a thinking man’s course.”

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